Whatever path you decide to take in life let your feet walk sweetly, and gently on flowered covered walkways so much so that the aroma rises and provides celebrations to your very being.

Peace Really Is The Key To Our Success!

Expand your living experience by accepting the invitation to be a part of ...

Getting My Pretty Back 

You may join Getting My Pretty Back by logging on to meetup.com/Getting-My-Pretty-Back and typing in Getting My Pretty Back in the search engine. http://www.meetup.com/Getting-My-Pretty-Back.

Membership is complimentary in monetary form but commitment to the practice of engaging in the true trinity whole life principle of mind, body, and spirit is essential to be successful as a dedicated member of this community of women. We are wholeheartedly supporting each other in the beauty of womanhood and wholeness.  

Like us on Facebook and visit the Getting My Pretty Back page often as it purposely and correctly used as a tool to encourage your walk, run, skip, or hop on your daily journey while we collectively embrace and encourage each other through this social medium. 

Follow us on Instagram as well as Tumbler.